Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Craft fair

I did it!  I signed up for my first craft fair!!  (Now I just have to be accepted!)

I have a goal of participating in FIVE this winter. 

Step one, finding 5 to participate in!  I am hoping between this first one (Oct 16th) and one that I am going to (Oct 9) to scout out the competition and buy stuff--that maybe I will meet some people nice enough to share information with me about local fairs/shows. 

Step two--making enough inventory to sell.  I am so scared.  I do not want to be left with 1000 pillowcase dresses.  Scary stuff.  Have to take risks to get anywhere... so Riskville--here I come!!!


  1. Good luck! I did my first craft fair last year and sold about 3/4 of what I brought. It is really hard to judge was is and isn't going to sell. Best wishes!
